Hello! Welcome to my blog. I'm a self taught textile artist with a passion for felt and embroidery.
This is my album of finished work. Feel free to visit me on facebook to see what I'm up to today!

19 januari 2017

under my skin

Inspired by a call for entries for the exhibition 'Bloemen bloeien op papier' at Museum de Kantfabriek. The pansie is after an original, handpainted embroidery pattern from the 19th century. I translated the pattern in prefelted squares that I felted on a thin skin of white and pale merino (70 x 70 cm). The front is actually the back of the felt, where the original coloured squares are. The edges of the squares traveled to the other side, showing the contours of the original design. The colours shine through like a dark bruise under a pale skin. The bruise is the pain in my family history of people dying young, before they had the chance to blossom. Like Anna, 1887 - 1910.

17 januari 2017